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My journey with Help A Teacher began a few days after Debbie Scott created the official Facebook Page. I was stunned as she shared her idea and asked a variety of Facebook questions. It seemed so simple!

We started researching on Facebook only to discover that there weren’t any pages aligned with our goals. Debbie then asked if I would be willing to be an Admin on the page; to help with questions and the teachers’ requests. And of course, I was more than happy to offer my assistance!

I come from a long line of educators and have always wanted to help in any way possible. Until now, I never knew how to offer that support. I had resigned myself to buying extra supplies for my kids to take in at the beginning of the school year as well as covering whatever snack weeks had been unfulfilled at my youngest child’s school.

Help A Teacher has opened my eyes to the fact that there are so many great individuals across our nation who are willing to extend a helping hand to our Teachers. I am absolutely blessed to have become a part of this wonderful movement.

© 2025 | The Help A Teacher Foundation is a Texas Nonprofit Corporation, 501c3 and is fully able to accept tax deductible donations and issue tax deductible receipts.

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